Teaching & Research
Over 15 years as an educator
Lecturer Faculty
University of Colorado at Boulder
Courses taught: Writing and Rhetoric, American Essays, The Road, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Literary Theory, Masterpieces of American Literature, Shakespeare
Researcher and Content Creator
The Laboratory for Race & Popular Culture (RAP)
Created databases and reports on the history of the Billboard music charts, how streaming services affect singles charting, and relationships between sales and ethnography.
Presenter and Organizer
Deliver talks and arrange panels:
Rocky Mountain MLA, Mid-America American Studies Association, Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, Image of the Road, Complicating the Compass, Watershed School, Fairview High School, and CU Boulder Americanist Colloquium.
Summer Researcher
Performed archival research in 2014 and 2015 at the Huntington Library (Pasadena, CA) and the Newberry Library (Chicago, IL). Received special reader access for work with Willa Cather Collections, rare maps and travel guides, and unpublished manuscripts.
Additional Teaching Credentials
Teacher Certification (2008) - Graduate Teacher Program at CU Boulder
Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award (2011) - CU Boulder
High School (Brooklyn, NY) and Middle School (Cape Elizabeth, ME) Disabilities Services
Outstanding Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ) Results